


2021-12-01 08:24:10

正文翻译原创翻译:龙腾 翻译:山东姐妹 转载请注明出处


Women APPreciate pantyhose come in a varity of colors, sheers and textures.女人喜欢连裤袜的颜色、款式和质地各异的连裤袜。As guys, we APPreciate them, too maybe for different reasons.作为男人,我们男人喜欢,只是是出于不同的理由。Making an nylon stocking takes only a few minutes.制作一只尼龙长袜只需要分钟。


Its speed is adjusted according to the product being made varying betwwen 650 and 1200 revolutions per minute.机器的速度可以根据不同的产品调整转速在每分钟650至1200圈。Once the tube is knitted,it is sucked up,and lands in a bag where it will be inspected.直到袜筒编织完成,它就被吸纳,然后落在一个袋子里接受检验。More than 500 machines share the work,each making a model that is specific for it.500多台机器协同工作,每台机器制作一个特定的款式。The two ends must now be joined.现在需要将两只袜筒连接结合起来。This automated machine assembles the two tubes together to form the pantyhose.这台自动化机器将两只袜筒的袜口部分对齐叠合连接在一起制成一体连裤袜。Then the scissors cut the pantyhose,然后连裤袜的重叠区被自动化机器的刀具从正中间剖开一个开口,a necessary step in production of a pair.这是一个必要的生产步骤This opening is enlarged to allow for sewing which will joint the two tubes at the point of the panty.然后袜口被撑大,以方便缝制开口,将连接两只袜筒与女裤的裆部缝合。The label with the size of branding was already sewed in place in just 10 seconds by this robotic machine.这台自动化机器在短短10秒钟内,就将标有尺码大小和商标已经缝合到位。At this space,it sews on 4800 labels in 8 hours.照这个速度,它可以在8小时内缝4800个标签。Installing a gusset requires some preparation.而袜裤裆部的缝合处理需要一些前期工序。


The pantyhose is placed in a tub and taking to this department.将连裤袜放进桶里,运到车间The stocking is again suctioned,and placed on a gusset machine by the operator.长袜再次被负压抽吸,并由操作员放置在缝裆机上。This method assures that the gusset will be installed well centered without a pleat.这种方法能保证了裆部到位且没有褶皱。Puting in the gusset is the final opearation of the process.最后操作过程(工序)就是缝纫裆部。A precut piece of cotton is slid into the space reserved for the gusset and automatically sewed in.将一块预裁好的棉布置于长袜裆部并自动缝合。Only some static touches remain such as adding a little color to the pantyhose.现在剩下一些修饰性的工序,如为连裤袜增加一点点色彩。They''''re placed into this machine,which has a large drum with four compartments in a 45 kilo capacity.袜子被放进镜头前的这台机器里,机器的滚筒有四个隔间,能处理45公斤袜子。The pantyhose are washed in soapy water,then immerged in dye.连裤袜在肥皂液中洗涤,然后浸入染料中。


(译注:电眼,Magic Eye,亦称猫眼管是一种热真空电子管,用来给出音效输出、讯号强度或其他功能的视觉信号,于约1936年之后加入收音机的设备之中,替代较早的 Tuneon 霓虹灯调谐指示器。实际上,电眼管是一种微型的阴极射线管,通常会发出绿光,且萤幕上未发光的部分在调准到和发射台同频时会变窄,因而显示出讯号的“高峰”。电眼管的使用目的即在于帮助调至最强发射台频率。电眼管在视觉上的帮助使得讯号强度比起单独用耳朵要来得容易量测得多。当1950年代早期,FM收音机开始在英国场上出现时,许多型式的电眼管也跟着出现。虽然有许多不同的外观,但运作原理都是一样的。一些电眼管甚至有分别的小萤幕来显示FM的立体声多路传输接收。电眼管亦被使用在开盘式录音机上头,以做为录音电平的量表。)The pantyhose is then carried toward the steam room remaining there for two and half seconds before being dried in seven and half seconds at 140 degrees.然后把连裤袜传送到蒸汽房,蒸2.5秒。最后又在140度的温度的下烘7.5秒。They fold and pack 420 pantyhoses per hour and make 180,000 pairs per day.工厂每小时可以折叠打包420条裤袜,每天可以生产18万条女式连裤袜。

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